Tuesday 13 January 2015


Three times today I have heard or come across this often-quoted phrase. The first was in a list of songs I was looking through, then later in the afternoon I heard a preacher on a TV show use the phrase again. I felt my anger levels rising! Then I saw it written on a further document! I decided it must be time to blog. Sadly this phrase, that we as Christians are, "Blessed to be a blessing" is preached in many churches, and taught as if it is Biblical, when in fact it is not in the Bible, and is a gross misrepresentation of God the Father. And it's this that really upsets me and makes me angry - that the Father is being presented in an untrue light.
I remember visiting a church where this very phrase was used as the password for their internet sign on! I had to type it into my laptop in order to get online! And as I did, it grated on the inside of me, deeply.
About six years ago I remember I began to get wound up when I heard this bandied around, and I gave a talk on it in my own church. I see it being taught as if it is a fundamental Christian principle, yet in doing so, it only serves to undermine the true gospel of grace, and subtly feeds a false gospel of performance. Let's get this straight; God never said it! It is a misquote of a discussion He had with Abraham in the Old Testament. What God did say was, "I will bless you, AND you will be a blessing." This is not the same thing at all.
Saying that I am blessed to be a blessing means that the reason God has blessed me is so that I can do something for Him. It means that the reason He has loved me is to get something out of me. It makes the purpose of God's amazing blessing on my life into a performance on my part. This is grossly untrue! God did not bless me in order for me to be a blessing. He didn't bless me so that I could serve Him, or work for Him, or witness for Him! Such beliefs cheapen the salvation we have received! If this were the case, the parable that Jesus told about the loving Father and his two sons would end very differently.
It would go on to say something like this.
"The father embraced His son and said to the servants fetch him a robe and shoes, and also bring him a new shovel and a pick axe, and a good alarm clock. After he's showered and eaten he can have an early night because there's a lot of work for him to catch up on in the fields!"
 Oh, may God help us! I think far too many people have this view of God. Religion has made them suspicious that God is out to use them in some way! I am so thankful that this is not the message preached or demonstrated by Jesus! He never mentioned what happened to the younger son in the story after they had a party. But He does say that the music and celebrating was so loud that it could be heard out in the field! He leaves us with the other son who is upset that his own efforts on the farm haven't earned him a similar event. He is looking for the 'receiving blessing' and 'being a blessing' to be dependent on each other, but the father doesn't agree.
The truth is that God has blessed us simply because He wants to. He likes blessing us. He is a blesser. And if we were to do nothing whatsoever for Him, or for others, He would still bless us the same! He doesn't love me so that I can work for Him. He loves me because He loves me! He is love itself! He loves me because He is a lover, who can't stop loving human beings. There is no ulterior motive in it! He doesn't want to use me, or drive me, or get something out of me. He doesn't think like that! Yet sadly, the church so often presents Him in this false light. How His heart yearns for us to know Him as He truly is.
So, going back to the conversation God had with Abraham, His statement presents something altogether different. He said, "I will bless you and [the result of being so blessed is that you will naturally] be a blessing to others." What we are talking about here is the RESULT of God blessing us, not the PURPOSE of God blessing us. The natural result of receiving such amazing love is that we love in return. We can't help it! It is the natural overflow of what we have received. But it is NEVER the reason that God pours His love on us! If for some reason we fail to respond to His blessing and love He doesn't put more blessing and love on hold, He simply pours out more! God is not looking for my performance to be the reason He loves me.
The reason He loves me is because He simply does! I have three children. I don't love them less or more according to what they do, and the choices they themselves make in life. I don't love them on the basis of whether they appreciate my love for them. I love them purely because I love them! Because they are my children. How much more then, God with us His children. Jesus Christ Himself has already 'performed fully' on my behalf. There is nothing I can add to it. But I am so appreciative of that love He has shown me, that it is my desire to pour out my love on Him, and in my limited way become a blessing to others. Please, let's not insult the Father with this misrepresentation of His blessing.
Let's not build a false doctrine out of a misquote of scripture. Let's bask and bathe, let's soak and linger, in the awesome love and blessing of God. And as we do, we will find quite naturally that we become lovers and blessers ourselves.

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